And A Strong Cup of Coffee

Blog Posts Written

Month: October 2011
Month: October 2011

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Happy Birthday!

The Outdoor Blogger turns 1 tomorrow! I recently added this little blog to their network and got a wonderful email from Rebecca welcoming me to the club. It looks like a great resource for folks to connect, network and talk about whats going on in the outdoor world. Happy Birthday Rebecca and Joe!! here is to many more years

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Maine’s Sporting Heritage 1870-1970

Maine's Sporting Heritage has put together a Facebook page of old photos from Maine's hunting history. It has been so cool to see the sorts of photos they are getting and posting and I think they are tied in with Inland Fisheries & Wildlife which is fantastic in Maine. If you have a Facebook page, I strongly suggest you check this out and see the great photos.

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Joining the club.

I have been meeting all kinds of folks thanks to my interview with Steve. And as I have had time, I have been reading other people's blogs about hunting. Yesterday, one blew my mind. I think it was because I had never tried the movie feature on my trail camera and I have yet to see photos of one deer like what Trey saw. Dad and I try to see if we have the same deer, but I have yet to see a year to year comparison that Trey has. I totally recommend checking out his blog! Also, Rick at Whitetail Woods has been awesome in helping me figure out how to get more connected. Next up is the awesome LB at Bullets and Biscuits. She is a rock star! She sent me an email with a long list of blogs along with a little blurb about each one. I can't...

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Getting Nostalgic

It's October and its my favorite time of year. Apples, cider, colder temps, sweaters, NO bugs or snakes (although I found 3 skins in the wood pile I was bringing in yesterday *shutters*). I love fall. I love winter. I love looking at my red and black checkered wool jacket and knowing its almost time to throw it on. And I love hunting with Dad. Last year, after we tagged our buck, I followed Dad to his room. Im sure I was rambling about something. Dad got into his bedstand and took out a memopad piece of paper. It was maybe 3x5. One piece. On it, he had a record of deer he had shot. The first entry was exactly one year before I was born. There was the entry that has the 115lb spikehorn I shot with a note that said E's first deer. Dad...

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Sneak peak of wildlife

I got my Dad a trail camera maybe three years ago for Father's Day. This year, the hubby and I bought a camera for my father-in-law. We surveyed the spot where he usually is sits and looked for a good spot. In the over all scheme of things, I am a newbie hunter (9 years) but I like to think I know where to stick a camera and find some good photos. But I am at a loss. He has said that he has seen deer in the area but I did not see any sign. The land is a piece that looks like it has not been cut in 30 years or more. A small stream and some blow downs. Would you guys put it up near the stream? I would love for him to get some photos because there is nothing cooler than seeing the pics and knowing there are deer around. I will take some...

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Where are the women?

This week, my interview with Steve at The Maine Outdoorsman went live. Steve said yesterday 200 people hit his site viewing over 500 pages. That is a lot of people reading about little ole me and hunting. Why? When I think of women who are in the general public's eye and hunt, I can think of 2 - Country singer Miranda Lambert and Sarah Palin. Why only two? Why is the female hunter such a fascinating thing? (I should probably note that I do not have cable so any and all female hunters on the hunting stations are lost to me. I'll keep it to the general public because that's what I am familiar with.) People/media were fascinated by the fact that they could get footage of Palin and her gun, shooting (and gutting) animals but I feel like...

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Raffle – new scope!

I had to buy raffle tickets from these two men. It was a hunter's breakfast raffle with money going to American Legion Post 192. I will know if I win on November 5th - a week after the start of hunting season, but whatever... I bought the tickets because I need a new scope for my gun. I didnt read their sign very well because I can also win the 30-06 to go with the new scope. New gun? yes please. But if I dont win, does anyone out there know where I could get an oval shaped scope. Im sure they have a name but I cant think of it. It helps to pull in more light. Thanks!

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