More Moose Sarfari photos

by Oct 24, 2013Maine Moose

More Moose Sarfari photos

Here are a few more photos that I couldn’t quite get to fit into my blog.  Enjoy!!!

Robin and Brian
Brian was able to get urine from a bull moose that one of his clients shot the week before.  This is straight moose pee!
Walking into the choppin’s
Brian with a call in his pocket and camera set up
Brian racking the trees to sound like a bull
My first moose seen in the woods!
He was a young bull but I would have shot him
Checking out another spot
Moose tracks!
Fall colors


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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.