We moved to a new house about a month ago. The second night that we were there, a doe came out from the woods. Since then, we have had three does hanging around, one of which was VERY pregnant the last time we saw her (I am hoping for twins!) They are out on the back lawn at least twice a week and one morning, I had a doe only a few yards from the house. When I threw open the curtains, she just looked at me and kept eating. If I draw a doe tag this fall, they are not necessarily safe but until hunting season arrives,, we will keep watching...
My neighbor feeds the deer in the winter so when I was cleaning out my fridge and found that I had a dozen apples that needed to get tossed, I decided to throw them on the back lawn to see if the deer would find them. Within a few hours, I noticed these two munching happily. The third doe that appeared was not nearly as oblivious to me standing in the kitchen watching them. She stomped her foot a few times and kept watch while they all ate. I watched them and took pictures until they walked into the softwoods and it was too dark to see them. I had turned off the kitchen light and taken off my white sweater so that I could blend in and not look like a white flag in front of the glass doors. Hunter or not, how can you not...