If you were out in the woods and saw this, would you be able to know it was chaga right away? I was lucky that I had Robin with me and she was able to point it out with 100% certainty of what it was. She was also on top of things and brought a saw to get it off the tree. It was a beautiful, somewhat windy day and we got out in snowshoes before it got too sloppy and slushy. It was almost hot when the wind died down. Chaga We took two pieces off of the tree and went in search of more, which we did not find. I am hoping to keep working on my ability to identify this in the woods when I am out now but it may take a time or two before I am totally confident in my...
As I was looking through photos of 2014 and printing some out, I couldnt help but get nostalgic. I had no intention of bear hunting a year ago. I had actually told my Dad (a few times) that I had no desire to shoot a bear, didn't think I could like the meat and that it was just not in my wheel house. Skip ahead a few months and with the invitation of Steve and Lorri, I learned how to prepare and set bait and went hunting. Then, given the opportunity to hunt with hounds, I took a chance to learn more about it and came home with an incredible story and some delicious meat. I may look calm but I was freaking out Grateful Look at those scars! I told the taxidermist that I want each one of them to be seen when...
For those of you who live out of State or have not picked up the November issue of Downeast Magazine, here is my article online. I would love to hear what you think about it. Thanks! Why We Hunt: Belonging
Nov 2014 Downeast Magazine A few months ago, I was asked to write an article for Downeast Magazine about what it means to be a woman who hunts. I was excited about the opportunity and eagerly sat down to write what I knew would be the widest seen piece of my career. It took me a month to come up with the article, edit it and edit it again but it was submitted and I felt good about it. Then, I was asked to do a photo shoot for the article that would be me and a few friends in the city. It was a perfect depiction of what hunters look like compared to the perception that non-hunters (and maybe a few hunters) view as a hunter. My friends Lorri, Jenn and Melissa agreed to be in the shoot with me. Seeing the finished...
In case you missed it, here is the Podcast from Maine Points with my friend Mike Violette about hunting in Maine! Erin's discussion on hunting in Maine Enjoy and happy hunting! The first time I shot my 30-06 in 2007
Copyright Darrold Door. Picture found at: http://www.maine.gov/ifw/hunting_trapping/hunting/bear.htm Bear hunting. Just those two words can bring out some very strong emotion amongst hunters and non-hunters. I would tell you to vote NO on1 and I could give you a long list of reasons why but if you are reading this, chances are I am preaching to the choir when it comes to understanding why hunting is necessary to keep animal populations healthy. I have never gone bear hunting. I have really never had an interest. My friend Robin is an incredible outdoor woman who has been bear hunting for the past three years. I have been OK living vicariously through her with the hopes of trading my unwavering support for bear meat,...
The following is an article that will be published in the Northwoods Sporting Journal in the August issue. Women are on the move! We are taking over the woods, fields and waterways to hunt, hike and fish. And we are doing it more often than men. An article posted in June on Ammoland’sShooting Sporting News, states that “the most recent U.S Census found that there are 13.7 million hunters in the Nation – 11 percent of them are women.” Slowing but consistently, women are picking up guns and rods and heading outside. We are getting into hunting and fishing and taking it seriously; it is becoming more than just a seasonal hobby for most women. According to a 2013 Nation Shooting Sports Foundation...
I hate to burst your bubble folks, but its more likely than not that you will never see me on the cover of any hunting magazine for three reasons, 1. I just don't look that good in camo 2. I would refuse to wear anything pink or have anything within the shot be pink and 3. if I were ever asked a question about my looks vs my hunting abilities, my comment would not be fit to print. I was excited when I got the May issue of Field and Stream. Finally! There was a woman on the cover. I flipped through the pages to find the article. I flipped. I flipped. And when I got to the end of the magazine, I went back through and looked again. Maybe I didn't have enough coffee? Nope. There was NO...