1 week

by Oct 21, 2011Uncategorized

1 week

1 week from tomorrow, I will be heading up the our hunting grounds to start the 2011 season. Yeah!
There are things I need to get done before the season starts.

1. Get sick. I have been mia the past couple of days because I have been really sick. CHECK
2. Get wool jacket out. Its hanging up in my room. CHECK
3. Get warm, non-cotton clothes out. CHECK (thank you fall camping)
4. Get hand/toe warmers. CHECK
5. Boots ready. All 2 pair. CHECK
6. Guns sighted in. CHECK and DOUBLE CHECK
7. License in hunting vest. CHECK
8. Squatter out of sky condo. CHECK (so says Dad)

I think that’s all I need, right? Now, I sit and wait and prep and check in with Dad to see what else is on the camera. I had been hoping that opening day would be on my birthday and since there is a leap year next year, I have YEARS to wait until that happens, so Mother Nature can bring me a post gift by having that 10 pointer walk in front of my cross hairs. HA!


  1. Good luck Erin! Can't wait to see the pictures of your buck!

  2. Thanks Trey! I will post as soon as the deer is done – thank you technology and my little smartphone. When does the season start for you?

  3. Our opening day for rifle season is tomorrow. I hope to have something to report as well!

  4. GOOD LUCK!!! I really think you should bring home Mr. 8 = )

  5. Good luck Erin! I can't wait to read about your trip and see some buck pictures!

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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.