Ok all – I need a new pair of wool pants. The pair I have now are my dad’s old ones, gray and wonderful but a little short (and as you can see, I like to play in the snow). Where should I look to get myself a new pair?? Ideally, another pair of gray pants.
I just started following your blog. As for the Wool Pants I would have to recommend the Filson Wool Field Pants. I had mine for over 8 years before i out grew them. They worked ice fishing, water fowl hunting and deer hunting. I have seen them in grey too
i was going to make a joke and just type "sheep." but that wouldn't help you much. I'd say right about now is a good time to find them anywhere that sells outdoor clothes. but i like the above comment, anyone selling things waterfowlers wear probably has some good stuff.
Actually I'm looking to so if you fins where before I do let me know.
Nice buck by the way, congratulations.
Thanks guys!
@Savage- – thanks for the suggestion
@Tom – the sheep answer made me laugh
@Rick – will do! and thanks
I have a camo pair from L.L. Bean that go with my guide jacket, I'm very pleased with them plus they look cool. I don't know how they'd roll with the ladies but here's the link.
Awesome! Thanks DDH
I would recommend the Maine Guide Wool Pants (however mine are circa 1979 and the quality is a little higher). They are warm and a tough tight weave. All the Best..Phil
Can't go wrong with either Bean or Filson