Fall and Family Traditions

by Sep 10, 2012Uncategorized

Fall and Family Traditions

I love fall. I love the cooler air and the countdown to hunting season. I love the prospect of the first snow and being able to break out the sweaters. Fall is when I can finally get back outdoors and relax. And its harvest season.

This year, I have a pressure cooker and huge lobster pot in my kitchen. Both have been used for canning. I have beans and tomatoes canned and ready for winter. I have apples and tomato sauce on the list that needs to get canned before hunting season starts and I have no free time.

One of the things that is a must for my family in the fall is apple picking. It is one more thing the deer and I have in common; our love of fresh apples off the tree. Last weekend, my Mom and I made our first (of many) trips to a local apple orchard, North Star Orchards. We have been picking apples with the Dimock family for 20 years or more. We are on a first named basis with most of the family, which adds to the draw of wanting to come back again and again. It’s a trusted relationship and they will help us (more so me) with questions about which apples are best for… apple pies, apple butter, apple sauce or which goodie baskets are best to be sent to family across the US. It is a welcomed family tradition to pick apples here and be able to support local farms of all kinds. And so worth me driving almost two hours to meet my Mom here and enjoy the sun and apples!

So, I say welcome fall! Welcome the cold temps and the countdown to hunting season. Here is to enjoying the harvest season, the fresh veggies and fruit that we can pick off the trees and vines.

And here is to being one day closer to hunting season.


  1. 🙂 I just picked a bucket of apples in the backyard. Yum! Wish I had a picker like yours!

  2. We had to pick the apples on our lower branches because the deer were after them. This year I planted 3 apple trees just for them down in our food plots. They will have their own apples in a a few years. I did give them the cores and peels after I froze what I needed for pies. Nice sheds by the way.

  3. I agree that there is nothing better than the coolness of the morning to get ones blood bumping for the hunting season, that is truly just around the corner. Around October 1 rabid and I are looking to get a few waterfowl in the fridge and freezer, then maybe a few grouse. After that comes the gun season on deer:). Good luck this season in all your endeavors.

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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.