Matching Deer!

by Nov 5, 2012Uncategorized

Matching Deer!

I shot my 4th deer on Friday morning (story coming this week!) It was a nice 4pt 112lb buck. The next morning, my husband shot his very first deer! It was a nice 4pt 110lb buck! And as terrible as the shots were, we both shot our deer with one shot, in the heart. Any hunter will tell you than if you hit the heart as square on as I did, it really is a bad, low shot and not one you should aim for on a regular basis. I was about 4 inches low. But, it took me one shot and he dropped. It takes a little bit of the pressure off since there is now meat in the freezer for the winter, but now it’s Dad’s turn. And he wants a big buck!

My deer is on the left.

P.S – for the first time EVER!!! I had 3 ticks on me this weekend. Never have I had those nasty things on me in the fall. I fear the deer will smell my cloud of deet from miles away if I use it. Any suggestions?


  1. He will be nice and tender! Yumm! Sounds like a fun hunt.

  2. We don't have a lot of ticks here yet but I'm still careful about avoiding them. If I'm wearing Muck boots I tuck my pants in. My current camo pants have elastic ankles (I really, really hate ticks.). Creepy, gross things.

    What makes a heart shot a bad shot? I've always thought, in my vast inexperience in shooting deer, that an instant kill is a good shot. Always something new to learn!

    • A heart shot is a super low shot on the deer. When we were gutting mine, I looked for the bullet hole and it was almost underneath him instead of clearly on his side. Because its a super low shot, its not a good shot in my book (or Dad's really) but you can not argue when you drop it with one shot. Good in that aspect but I would not want YOU aiming for that spot when you are shooting your deer.

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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.