Turkey Season 2.0

by May 1, 2014Turkey Hunting

Turkey Season 2.0

Here we go! Turkey season has kicked off in Maine and as Dad and I are getting ready to head out with my friend Brian, I can not help but think of where we werea year ago.

I wanted to shoot a turkey while I was pregnant so that I could say that I got both a deer and turkey while waddling around in the woods.  It didn’t happen but Dad and I learned a lot about this new critter that we were hunting, which is why I asked Brian to take us out for a day.  We need to learn how close they need to be to us in order to take a successful shot and we need to learn how to get them to come to us.  We were successful last year in having them call back to us, but we were not able to get them to come to us.  I think (hope) that is the missing piece.

New this year, Mainers canhunt all day (instead of just the am) and can take two bearded birds.  We have SO many turkey here that this is necessary to keep the population somewhat under control.  Dad has been seeing them around the house and has taken our box call and had great responses from three turkey up on the hill behind his house.  Still, nothing has come down to check out this new “turkey” in the area.  Last year, we saw a handful of jakes and a hen.  I want to see a big Tom with his feathers puffed out gobbling!  And then I want to see him dead 😉

Our turkey decoys from 2013

My friend Robin went out on opening day and within an hour had sent me a picture of her turkey – almost 18lbs with a 9.5 inch beard and about 1 inch spurs.  Seriously, she is an awesome outdoors woman and sets a pretty high standard for what all of us should be and could be doing!  If you have not read her blog, you should and experience for yourself what it’s like to be an outdoors woman in Maine.

Back to turkey… Friday is the day we head out.  The weather should be good and I have new camo pants this year.  Last year, I was scrapping together my hunting clothes, partially because to deer hunt, you dont need camo (so I didn’t own any) and partially because I was 9 months pregnant and couldn’t fit into my hunting pants.  This year, I will be head to toe in camo, with a new shot gun that Dad bought (our current guns are useless) and with a guide to help Dad and I learn this new hunting style.

Wish us luck and hopefully come Monday, I will have a picture to post for all of you!

1 Comment

  1. Erin good luck, I hope you have success or at the very least enjoy your time in the outdoors

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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.