Lots of deer, no turkeys

by Mar 26, 2013Uncategorized

Lots of deer, no turkeys

Every time I see or talk to my Dad, we have a check in of local wildlife; have you seen any deer? where where they? how many tracks etc. Dad and I had a roadside chat yesterday as we met on the road and were headed in different directions.

The update: lots of tracks near the Sky Condo and he had done some pruning for this fall – we need one more clear shooting lane off at our 1 o’clock to be able to get some good shots along a well traveled deer trail. I asked about any turkeys he had seen because the season starts in just a few weeks. Nada. None in the woods and none behind the house. These buggers are going to make me work to get one of them in May! I say bring it on!!

Its a whole new hunting season for a new critter to hunt! If I get into turkey hunting, the year will become the following:

turkey season

ticks so avoid the outdoors season

deer season

deer tracking season

Sounds good to me!


  1. You can come out to South Dakota and hunt turkeys with me. We can sit on the porch, drink a hot strong cup of coffee, and when the buggers come to invade my bird feeders, blast them:)

  2. I love turkey hunting… the snakes and the ticks are the hardest things for me to overcome. Ick!

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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.