As I was frantically trying to get myself and O ready for the day and out the door, I was stopped in my tracks by the sight of these birds at my feeder, just 10 yards away (I know this because of my set up shooting my bow.) There was 12 of them, just picking at the bird seed that was on the ground. A few times, my movement would spook one of them and they could take a step or two back and then go back to pecking. I didn’t see any beards and I have not seen this flock since, but I spent an extra 15 minutes taking photos and watching them.
In my dream world, I could get up, make coffee, grab my bow and go sit on the porch waiting for them to come back. But, if my pattern holds, my turkey tag will remain unfilled and I will continue with my hatred for these birds.
What about all of you? Seeing turkey around? Any toms strutting?
This made me happy – I love seeing turkeys in the wild 🙂