Social Media impact on Hunting

by Aug 28, 2014Hunting in Maine, Women Who Hunt

Social Media impact on Hunting

Social media has added a new element to the world of hunting. There are great resources for hunting out there but until the boom of social media, they were limited.  Now, you can watch live video feed of deer feeders in Iowa to see what is coming in.  I have recently found maybe one of my favorite resources for hunting…podcasts! You can listen to hunters talk about African hunting, antler growth and how to cut shooting lanes… the possibilities are really endless. 

Up until a few months ago, the word ‘podcast’ was something that I assumed as like a radio show but online (and it is).  I didn’t go looking for them or know how to get them.  And now, as I write this, I can not think of what it was that made me get started but I have not stopped.  There are incredible hunters, men and women, all across the United States who host weekly or monthly shows that are usually about an hour long that bring the best of the best to the forefront to talk about their expertise when it comes to hunting. Most are free and you can listen all the time! In the car, at work, at home… unlike those cable shows, podcasts offer the opportunity to cut the fluff away and get to the questions you may have about hunting. 

If you have access to podcasts you can listen to a hunter’s podcast, tweet with them on Twitter and friend them on Facebook in order to continue the conversation about hunting and what it means to them. If you really wanted to make sure you didn’t miss a single thing from your favorite hunting personality, you could also subscribe to their blog, YouTube channel, Instagram… it goes on and on.  I do realize that being on the younger side of the bell curve, many hunters just don’t care about friending a fellow hunter, but that is where we are headed.  In this technological world, those who host these podcasts or write these blogs need to put themselves out there to get people to read and comment on what they are doing.  It is a bigger push for a conversational style rather than just writing or posting a story and hoping that someone cares enough to read or listen to what you have to say.

That is when it gets fun! Hunters from all over the United States, Canada and the world can now connect to one another with a couple clicks of the mouse.  For me, there are some incredible outdoor women who are doing some cutting edge hunting and working with firearm companies to create more effective, lighter rifles and shotguns… and I can connect and talk with them through the venues of social media.  Women like Britney Starr, Carrie Zylka, Mia Anstine and Barbara Baird are nationally known hunters who are leading the women’s movement in the outdoor industry and they talk with me about their hunts, my hunts, the best trail cameras… it’s endless.   I have chatted with hunters like Steven Rinella (and freaked out when he started following me on Twitter) because social media allows the opportunity for a hunter in Maine to get the thoughts and opinions of renowned hunters.

Social media offers hunters all over the chance to connect with one another and get tips and tricks for the best, more successful hunts possible.  It may seem a little ridiculous but the opportunities for those of us who want to connect with others and learn from people beyond our immediate hunting circles, these podcasts and social media connections are priceless.

Hunting Podcasts that I am listening to:

Wired to Hunt

Wild Game Hunting

Wild Word of Carrie Z

Foremost Hunting

1 Comment

  1. Haahahah. Those ladies wouldn't dare talk to me. I have tried. I get the cold shoulder. No one bothers with me and I have been trying to have conversations with people since 2009. They read my stuff then delete or block me. hahahahaha. Good luck with those people though. Enjoy your bear hunting shenanigans.

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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.