The joys of owning land

by Oct 19, 2015Wildlife Conservation

The joys of owning land

How does the saying go? Good fences make good neighbors?  If that’s the case, what do posted signs make?

Two posted signs and a property marker tied onto the tree

After a few incidents last year, Dad and I spent Saturday putting up posted signs around the piece of property.  It is kinda of sad to think about the changes over the past few years and how it used to not be an issue: people knew who owned what pieces of land and who hunted on them.  There was a respect for owners and when they said no to hunting, it was respected. 

Last year, I was yelled at while sitting in my tree seat, we had people walking along the edge of our property and our neighbor had hunters that he did not know, sit in his blind and hunt.  There is a total disrespect for land owner rights and what they say is and is not ok on their property.

Sadly, as a result, we posted the land.  As did our property neighbors.  We have worked hard to build up the habitat, keep our little herd healthy and the last thing we want are trespassers thinking that they can hunt without getting the ok from us. 

Something like 90% of the land in Maine is privately owned and I know that there are some great programs in place to help keep that land open to hunting but for us, that means posting it and keeping it clean and healthy and not open to the public.

Hopefully, we the 2015 season kicks off, I wont have any stories of unwanted hunters to report on!


  1. As a responsible Illinois canoeist, kayaker, hiker, and general outdoorsman (I don't hunt any more), I'm always respectful of landowners and am continually on the lookout for ways to repair a damaged landowner/recreationalist relationship.

    We have landowners that could legally put a stop to our downstream paddling trips on local rivers and streams, so it is a constant struggle for those of us who care to be on the lookout for opportunities to be extra respectful of those willing to share their lands and waters with us. From cleaning the shorelines of debris to trying our best to NOT spook their cattle, many of us really do try. Hopefully, we are succeeding in our efforts to share the great outdoors.

    When we do make an honest mistake, which will most assuredly happen from time to time, and get called out on it, we MUST immediately offer a sincere and emphatic apology in an effort to preserve a healthy relationship with the landowner, along with trying to prevent it from happening again.. Hmm? I suppose that sounds a lot like common courtesy, doesn't it.

    Be safe.

    • You are SO right! Communication goes a long way. Just being aware and talking with landowners usually leads to a great relationship. The hard part is dealing with those bad apples who just don't care. We put posted signs up this year and Dad has some on another piece of property but he also lets people hunt on it if they come to talk to him (and we are not hunting there.) I miss the days of knowing your neighbors and common courtesy.

      Thanks for posting and enjoy the outdoors!

  2. Yes it is sad but also a sign of the times…so many people just don't care..

    • Last year was by far the worst. We've had people actually follow my hubby into the woods as though it was just a normal, public path. It's sad and will only hurt other hunters.

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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.