Moose Crossing

by Jul 25, 2015Maine Moose

Moose Crossing

Dad and I were making our normal trip to check the trail cameras.  We pulled out of the driveway and drove 1/2 mile up the road.  I was looking for the snowshoe hares since they have a tendency of playing in traffic when Dad slowed the car down, moose!

Maine moose heading across the field

I got my camera out as Dad brought the car to a stop.

“I bet he is headed over to the mountain.” The moose was headed in the direction of the land where we had seen the moose tracks the day before.

Maine Moose

In order to get a few more pictures, Dad pulled the car into a roadway along the edge of the field and slowly stopped.  The moose stared at us for a few seconds and kept walking.  He never changed his pace or his direction.

Maine Moose

He walked through the field and on his way (hopefully) to our land where he could try to escape from the horseflies that were bothering him.  Luckily, there were no sign of ticks or spots where he had been trying to rub them off.  He looked very healthy.

Bye moose

Dad and I watched him walk into the next field then we backed out onto the paved road and continued on our way to get the memory cards out of the trail cameras.  We didn’t get any great photos from the cameras but I didn’t really care; we got to hang out with a moose for a few minutes.


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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.