2016: we become bow hunters

by Feb 1, 2016Hunting in Maine, Whitetail Deer

2016: we become bow hunters

When I said that I was interested in trying out some bows, the first thing out of the guy’s mouth was, “these are the only ones we have in pink or purple.”  He hadn’t even finish the sentence when I noticed Hubby take a step back. “Good, then those are the only ones I don’t want to shoot.” I replied. The guy had no idea what to do or how to respond but after an awkward pause, he said that he should measure is to see what our drawn length will be.

As he fumbled with the measuring tape, I wondered if it was even worth staying there. I did not feel like I was being taken seriously and it was clear that the employee was hoping he would be helping Hubby and not me.  I knew nothing about bow hunting going into this.  I was surprised that I had to put on a wrist band that had the trigger connected to it.  I was as green as they come.

Me “shooting” the PSE

The first bow that I tried was the PSE Stinger X.  He had set the drawn length to 27 inches and set it for 45 pounds.  Having never shot a bow (besides this) it was unconformable and I could barely draw it back.  I asked him to lower the weight, which he did.  The second time that I asked him, he tried paying more attention to other customers.

Then, Lee showed up.  It was night and day.  Lee either runs that archery shop or is their top tech because it was a complete 180.  He helped me hold the bow correctly (I snapped my wrist the first time) and worked on my form and trigger placement in relation to my face and nose.  It felt a little too big and stiff and it was not an easy draw back to where I needed it to be lined up. I shot the bow six times before I decided that I wanted to try a different one.

Lee stepping in to help me with the PSE

The next bow Lee got for me was the Matthews Mission Craze II.  Lee made some tweaks before he let me shoot it.  He dropped the draw length down to 26 and reduced the weight to 35 pounds.  He made sure that I had the trigger set up where I needed it to and watched me as I drew back to help me hit one spot on my cheek every time.

From the minute I picked up the bow, it felt better.  It was shorter and a little more top heavy than the PSE.  The shorter draw length also made a difference, I think.

Hubby took over after I shot a few times and tried a PSE and then a Matthews.  We were only 10 feet from the target, but he was nailing those targets shot after shot.  His grouping was incredible and he seemed relaxed and comfortable. We knew that we were in trouble then.

We spent well over an hour in the shop talking with Lee and figuring out what we may want and what felt comfortable for us. Lee said that he would set aside the triggers, some arrows and the bows and we could decide what we wanted to do.

If you follow me on social media, you know what we did.  Otherwise, stay tuned for another blog post.


  1. nice to see you finally decided to try bowhunting! Hope you went with a mathews product!

    • Mission Craze II
      I'm actually going on the 9 Finger Chronicles podcast (Dan from Wired to Hunt) to talk about picking out the bow.

    • Very cool. The craze is a good bow, very adjustable. The craze 2 has a new riser and I think balances a little better. I have set up dozens of them with all the accessories to sell as packages so people can just get everything they need and start flinging arrows in the yard! Plus it's made by Mathews which I like as I think pound for pound Mathews is still king of the hill for hunting bows.

  2. PS- seems like the bow shop dude was kind of a dweeb. I work in a bow pro shop, never assume anything about any customer, ESPECIALLY the ladies!

    • You work in a pro shop?? I'll have to email you some of my questions.

  3. I think we were in touch via email before, and I probably suggested the craze, haha!

  4. awesome post

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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.