Book review: Girl Hunter

by Jan 4, 2012Uncategorized

Book review: Girl Hunter

I got this book for Christmas. I asked for it. I saw it mentioned on a blog that I follow and put up a notice that it would be a great Christmas gift. I got it and started reading it, hoping that it would get better with the next chapter. I really wanted it to be good. To talk about the excitement of the hunt, the anticipation… I am still waiting. I am about half way through the book and struggling to actually enjoy it.

I understand and appreciate the idea of someone getting back to how we all use to eat – hunting and gathering. I have read books about people moving from the big city to the country to farm, to hunt, to get back to nature. Ive read it. I wanted a book about the excitement of hunting and being a hunter, told by a woman. What this book is, is a book about a woman who gets asked to go on hunts in Texas, Montana, London etc but men who do this for a living. So far, all of these hunts have been birds, with the exception of a javelina and a super sketchy ‘elk’ hunt in which the guy had no idea where and how to hunt and thus, no elk were hunted.

I want the big game. I want to read about trying to out smart a whitetail in the woods. Trying to keep your cool while a bear walks in to bait. Trying to find, kill and drag out a moose. I honestly, don’t care about bird hunting (sorry guys).

Like I said, I am a little over half way through the book. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it gets better.


  1. he isn't a girl, but if that other stuff is what you're looking for you need to read Steven Rinella. I especially recommend 'American Buffalo,' he is a great author, he puts a ton of research into his work, and oh yeah, he's all about the roots of hunting and where our food comes from, as well as the excitement of it all. I'm soon going to read another of his books.( i intend to do a book review on his work at some point) Check him out, he's got some websites and shows too….

  2. Glad to hear your honest opinion of her book. All the blogs I read that have reviewed the book have been pretty vague or give the standard "great book" and then copied and pasted a recipe. I was wondering how it really was before I bought it and not get caught up in the hype of it being a "woman hunter". Thanks for sharing.

    I'm also glad to hear Tom speak positive of Steve Rinella. I heard a new show of his coming on but that he also has great books. I may have to look into him again.

  3. Tom – thanks for much for the recommendations. I will hop on Amazon and get it today!

    LB – Do you want to read the book when I am done? I think most of the PR around it is because you have a cute blonde who is ok with shooting, gutting and making her food. Sad as it is, if she were a little overweight and a brunette, I dont know if she would be getting as much press.

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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.