I still have a few trail cameras out to see what the deer are up to. I have gotten pictures of the big buck that is around and most recently, I got these pictures. Normally, I wouldn't be too freaked out but now that we have a dog, it is a little unnerving. Add that this camera is about 50 feet from our lawn and less than 100 feet from our front door... I hope that this one is just passing through. (Sidenote: I put new batteries in this camera so the date and time are wrong BUT I walked in front of it so it would take my picture and I could figure out what the actual time and date were: 7am Saturday...
I hate coyotes. They just freak me out especially when you can hear them but not see them. On opening day of the 2015 deer season, we heard one howling especially close to where we were headed. Over the summer, there had been a trail camera photo here or there but it had been quiet until that morning. Then, Dad handed my the memory cards to review before we went into the woods last weekend. As if gloating, here are a few highlights: He actually lays down! All in all, he spent about one hour in front of this camera. He was on the camera more than any other bucks were and I am sure the does are not happy about this. I talked to a friend of mine who traps and he has offered me a couple of his traps to see if...
We have seen the tracks and scat and now... urgh! There were three pictures of him coming down a deer trail. We had pictures of a doe walking in the opposite direction about 30 minutes before and then this. I might end up buying a call and seeing if I can lure him into the field by the Sky Condo. The last thing we want are coyotes around, especially if we have a nice herd of deer and flock of turkey.
I don't know if I should have eaten more or less but my stomach was freaking out when Steve and I sat in the blind. I kept adding layers to keep warm and to see if I could muffle the growls. I hoped that nothing would hear me and run off. Steve and Lorri (who had taken me bear hunting) had put out deer carcases from a local butcher about a week before. The pile of bones were strewn all over the field by the coyotes that had been there. We got settled into the blind and watched the crows picking away at the pile furthest away. My stomach growled and they flew away. I hoped that something else scared them away but I wasn't sure until I saw this guy sweep in. The Red-tailed hawk flew down onto...