When some blogs just talked about opening day of fishing season, Robin Follette and I LIVED it! I drove four hours north the day before to hang out with Robin and go on a few adventures (those posts are coming, but here is a sneak peek). The biggest was to stand in the Stream in Grand Lake Stream on opening day and try our hand at fly fishing. We didn't really care about catching a fish but we were excited to see the groups of people that would be there and the excitement surrounding the beginning of fishing season. We met up with Brian Donaghy of Epic Adventures to help us with gear and guidance. When we pulled into the parkinglot, we saw Brian and only 4 or 5 other vehicles. This was not the crowded fishing...
It rained. Rained hard and the wind blew. It was anything but ideal for finding moose in the Maine woods. But Brian, Jenn and I knew that the weather was going to be clear and with some rain gear, we were off for an adventures. Last year, I was spoiled; beautiful calm weather and moose first thing in the morning. This year, our normal 4:30am start was pushed back to 10am. About an hour after we left, we were winding down dirt roads heading further into the woods. We pulled into an old skidder road, grabbed our cameras and were off. The sun had finally come out but the wind was still whipping through the trees and causing bursts of leaves to drop from their branches. Brian calling for moose We...
The following is an article that will be published in the Northwoods Sporting Journal in the August issue. Women are on the move! We are taking over the woods, fields and waterways to hunt, hike and fish. And we are doing it more often than men. An article posted in June on Ammoland’sShooting Sporting News, states that “the most recent U.S Census found that there are 13.7 million hunters in the Nation – 11 percent of them are women.” Slowing but consistently, women are picking up guns and rods and heading outside. We are getting into hunting and fishing and taking it seriously; it is becoming more than just a seasonal hobby for most women. According to a 2013 Nation Shooting Sports Foundation...
After we went to find some Epic Moose, Brian, Robin and I went to have lunch at Grand Falls. It was a perfect Maine fall day. The sky was blue, the fall leaves were vibrant colors of orange and red and yellow and the Dead River was pristine. Brian made us partridge sandwiches with cranberries and walnuts and moose stew. We washed them down with a beer an soaked up the sun. We could not have picked a more perfect day! Spencer Stream joining the Dead River Spencer Stream Why I love Maine! The trail to Grand Falls Grand Falls Grand...
Here are a few more photos that I couldn't quite get to fit into my blog. Enjoy!!! Robin and Brian Brian was able to get urine from a bull moose that one of his clients shot the week before. This is straight moose pee! Walking into the choppin's Brian with a call in his pocket and camera set up Brian racking the trees to sound like a bull My first moose seen in the woods! He was a young bull but I would have shot him Checking out another spot Moose tracks! Fall...