As a 30 year-old woman, it is hard to figure out where I belong in the overall hunting world so that I am taken seriously. Women, and my demographic specifically, are the fastest growing demographic in the hunting world right now. I have been hunting for 10 years and write a few different outdoor blogs about my experiences and in order to keep up with what is happening across the state, I belong to organizations that promote hunting and the outdoors. One of those organizations is the Sportman's Alliance of Maine (SAM). I have been a member for about a year now. Their mission states that: The Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine is Maine’s largest sportsman’s organization with 10,000 members and a headquarters in Augusta, ME. SAM is considered...
I just saw this and it kinda pissed me off: Maybe its the stereotype that Maine hunters and sportsman are Republicans who love their guns (maybe that's just my stereotype) but to me, you don't normally hear the words 'democrat' and 'hunting' in the same sentence. You definitely don't hear the words 'women' 'sportsman's alliance' and 'hunting' in the same sentence unless its as a special kind of hunting group just for women. Seriously - like I am any worst of a hunter because I am a girl. So, as part of my retirement plan (groom snowmobile trails around central Maine!), I will figure out what I need to have done/on my...