Joining the club.

by Oct 13, 2011Uncategorized

Joining the club.

I have been meeting all kinds of folks thanks to my interview with Steve. And as I have had time, I have been reading other people’s blogs about hunting. Yesterday, one blew my mind. I think it was because I had never tried the movie feature on my trail camera and I have yet to see photos of one deer like what Trey saw. Dad and I try to see if we have the same deer, but I have yet to see a year to year comparison that Trey has. I totally recommend checking out his blog!

Also, Rick at Whitetail Woods has been awesome in helping me figure out how to get more connected.

Next up is the awesome LB at Bullets and Biscuits. She is a rock star! She sent me an email with a long list of blogs along with a little blurb about each one. I can’t wait to dive into her blog and check out the links she sent me.

So to all of you – a big THANKS for joining me on my little blog and welcoming me/helping me as I explore the blogging world!


  1. and thank YOU for sharing! having recently begun a blog here myself, it has been pure joy to see what others share about their outdoor adventures!

  2. Thanks! I've added you to my list. Can't wait to start reading. Also, one of my best friends lives in SS, PA – the Behrenshausens!

  3. Glad to help Erin! Make sure you keep signing up to follow some great blogs and thanks for the shout out! I have yet to see your smiling face on my followers list though! 🙂

  4. Done =)

  5. You're welcome! I'm just excited that I can FINALLY help someone, haha.

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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.