What am I missing or need to do before I head into the woods? There was an article in the local paper about traditions and how the author gets up with his buddies, has a huge breakfast and coffee before heading out into the woods. I have cream of wheat or maypo, sip enough juice to get the vitamins down. Girls and guys? What about you? What’s your typical breakfast before heading out?
I also dress in SO many layers. This morning I found my running pants (Lycra maybe? spandex?) and my first thought was “perfect, they will fit under my fleece long johns that I wear under my wool pants”. Two layers of sock, snowmobile boots, foot warmers (like the ones you use when you go skiing). Under armor, non-cotton t-shirt, more fleece, more under armor, a down vest and my wool jacket. Layers baby! Gloves, hat and blaze orange light weight vest and I am ready to go and sit.
Tomorrow, I will be in my tree seat at 5:30. The temperature will be somewhere near 20. I will wait for the day light to break and hope a deer decides to walk past me. Wish me luck!
Im not hunting tomorrow . . . its gonna be like totally cold. 🙂
That must be why you gave up at 10am, huh?