One of each, please!

by Dec 6, 2011Uncategorized

One of each, please!

One of the unnews, news articles that has been on the TV is that of a 10 year old kid from Action who got an outdoor grandslam – one of each, if you will, for deer, bear, moose and turkey. Here is the link.

Many hunters goes years or even lifetimes without reaching this accomplishment. I got drawn for a moose permit last year and we didnt get a moose. But, I also have no desire to bear hunt or really, turkey. I am happy with my whitetails.

So, what about all of you – want the grand slam? have you already accomplished it?


  1. Deer- check
    Turkey- check
    Moose- would really love to
    Bear- have no desire (unless you count slaying the University of Maine Black Bears! Go Georgia Southern!!) 🙂

  2. Hey now, keep that trash talk to your own blog = )

  3. Deer – Check
    Turkey – Check
    Moose – Check
    Bear – Working on it!

    What is this and you not wanting to shoot a turkey?!?! 🙁

  4. I will shoot a turkey. I like wild turkey, that's just not my top hunting choice. BUT – you can show me the light when you take me turkey hunting.

  5. oh my! too young, now everyhting else in his life will pale in comparison! lol.

  6. Right?!?! Like my 10 pointer. I will probably never shoot one that big again. =)

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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.