Joining the movement of the National Deer Alliance

by Nov 13, 2014Wildlife Conservation

Joining the movement of the National Deer Alliance

What happens when you tag out in the first 30 minutes of deer season?  You get bored and are done hunting.  Hubby and Dad both needed to be elsewhere last weekend so we stayed out of the woods.  This weekend though, I am going into the woods. I will bring my camera and play photographer but I may also bring my gun and look for some coyotes.  We know they are around – we saw a ton of high traffic areas in the snow recently.

The issue of coyotes came up recently in a weekly newsletter from the National Deer Alliance.  The NDA is a new organization that was started by hunters and managers at the North American Whitetail Summit.  The goal of the group is to get all deer hunters involved and talking about the issues facing the deer herd in each state.

From coyotes to Chronic Wasting Disease and habitat concerns to celebrating youth hunters… there are a lot of things that deer hunters should be talking about and sharing our concerns.  If you have not heard about NDA and don’t receive their newsletter, sign up!  We need to have our voices heard when it comes to the animals that we care about.

And hopefully, next week, I will have a picture of a coyote to show you.  Can you imagine? A bear, deer and coyote all within a month (or so)?  We shall see!  I would also like Hubby or Dad to shoot one of those two nice 8-pointers that we know are still around. 

I may have tagged out ridiculously early, but I love deer season!


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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.