I came across this cool Q&A on Mike Hanback’s website, that talks about bucks holding onto their antlers longer in the winter and what that means for the next season. Hopefully, with the mild, (MILD, no-snow, 80-degrees-in-March) winter we just ended, the deer herd had a nice, relaxing season and can get bigger and grow better antlers for this fall. But, who knows what this summer could be like…
Thoughts? Do you agree with Mike?
Of course the changing of the seasons is a contributing factor it is not the only factor. It is also the changing levels of testosterone in a buck. Some will loose there antlers early in the season while some will hold onto them.
Its an interesting subject, I think. My brother in law is a biologist with the State and along with Dad, discussed this on Easter. Like what would happen if you put a herd of deer into a climate controlled barn for a year+. Would they go into the rut at the same time? would they drop their antlers at the same time etc.