(From left, John Ford, me, Paul Fournier)
Thank you to all who listened, called in, tweet’d and left me questions for the show! We had a blast and you can listen to it here. I swapped some great stories with these guys and they were so gracious and kind – they even gave me a copy of their book and signed it for me. Yes – I geeked out!
I have said it before and I will say it again – hunters/fishers/outdoors people are the best people around!
Rabid bought me that book for my b-day back in April. I have already read all the stories. The name sake of the book, the last story in the book, was one of my favorites. You did a great job with this, thank you for sharing these opportunities with us all!!!
They both have books coming out this fall and since we got such great turn out, we could have them back to talk about the new books/more stories. If we do, do you want to come into the studio and meet them? You could also watch us do the show!
Wow, that sounds great. Thank you for the offer, I will stay tuned.
Thanks again!!