Clothes are out, licenses and ready to go, guns are sighted in and a game plan is on deck.
In about 11 hours, we will be heading into the woods and into our Sky Condo. Dad and I jumped three deer today walking in to move branches AND, when we grabbed the cameras and checked photos, we say a ton of does, one coyote and a NICE looking buck all in front of the Sky Condo!
I wish all of my fellow hunters good luck tomorrow!!!
See you Monday with an update!
Good luck, I spent some time with a couple of my students helping them get their rifles to tack driver status.
I'm hoping that the buck I missed bow hunting can forget I put an arrow just under him, for that I've left that stand vacant for several weeks now.
Will check Monday, have at him!!!
Good luck! I hope you and your dad make some great memories. I have about 3 more weeks before deer season here.