As I was driving to work today I had a thought; one of my biggest issues with transitioning to turkey hunting is the idea of aiming at the head and hoping enough pellets are close enough together to kill the bird. What if I learned to bow hunt for turkey? That would give me one arrow to aim (like one bullet) and I would have one target to hit instead of aiming in a general spot.
For those of you avid turkey hunters, what is your thought on this? I would not be able to do this until next year, but it is a tempting thought. Will it work?
Hey Erin, I can only speculate cause this is my first real season turkey hunting. I heard turkey hunting is tough and trying to do it for the first time is even tougher. But, if you can do it just imagine the accomplishment of doing it the hardest way. Good luck in your decision, keep us posted.
I'm going to (hopefully) take my first turkey this spring with my .12 gauge then use my bow for the second.
Hunting turkeys with a bow is a little more complicated, but this way you'll have a better hunting experience. Here are some tips on turkey bow hunting: use a blind constructed from natural materials; get the turkey real close; the best place to aim on a broadside turkey is at the top of his thighs. You'll need a lots of practice and patience.
Thanks Alex!! Great tips