Birds swimming in junk

by May 21, 2014Adventures in the Woods, Maine Outdoors, Uncategorized

Birds swimming in junk

There are few places were I live that are open and green.  There are pockets of city forests or walking trails but there are no real places to get out and explore the woods and ponds.  I forget that until I happen to see ducks or geese swimming in these ponds along side fast-food containers, rusty, broken hockey goals, empty plastic water bottles and plastic bags from department stores.  For a city full of people who claim to be passionate about wildlife, this speaks volumes.

1 Comment

  1. Erin it truly is a shame that most people live on the idea of " out of sight out of mind ". Let me go on record as saying those types of people are all gonna be sorry one day when it's all gone

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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.