My kind of company

by Jun 10, 2015Women Who Hunt

My kind of company

I have written a few times (here and here) about the lack of women’s clothing in the outdoor industry that fit and do their job.  I have pieced together my hunting wardrobe with a little bit of this and a little bit of that.  Then, a friend of mine on Facebook posted something about EvoOutdoors and I checked them out.  It was like finding apot of gold. Not just two pairs of pants that would not fit right or a jacket too big, but actual women’s hunting clothes with options!  I wanted in.

This is my Classic Mainer look: WOOL!

This is how the website describes this awesome group that I am now a part of:

EvoOutdoors ProStaff Team members have a passion for the outdoors. They
are a group that prides themselves in ethical hunting techniques and
passing that tradition to the younger generation. You can find them
sharing their talent mentoring others, volunteering in their community,
and of course out in the field in the pursuit of game!


Have you ever started talking to people and found that you just click?
The same interests, the same passion and the same enthusiasm for the
outdoors, hunting and fishing.  It’s fun and exciting to have
conversations with people on the West Coast about their elk hunt, the
types of cameras that they use and how to get better gear for our
adventures.  THAT is what EvoOutdoors is!  This incredible, supportive group that have the wackiest, most entertaining conversations (online) with one another.  It is like stepping into a large family that is laughing and joking and genuinely like each other.  AND they have gear and clothes.  I don’t think that it gets any better than this.

EvoOutdoors not only offers deals on some of the best clothing in the industry BUT they will actually pick out the clothes you need for your hunt.  Think Maine girl wanting to elk hunt (someday) and having no idea what I would need (probably not wool) – Evo would help me get the right clothing with the right camo pattern and take the guess work out of it.  Hello, spoiled hunter!

I’m thrilled to be a part of EvoOutdoors and help get more people the gear that they need for the best outdoor experience.  There is nothing worst than being cold or wet and unable to stay in the woods.  Evo has GREAT companies that are partnering with us, so there is something for everyone.  Kids, men and women(!!) can finally get clothes that fit, hold up and it takes the worry about of that part of preparing for your hunt.

 Evo shares great deals and discounts on their Facebook page, so give them a ‘Like’ and keep up with the deals, pre-order opportunities and the fun stuff we are doing in the outdoors.


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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.