Maine’s Moose problem

by Jul 8, 2020Maine Moose

Maine’s Moose problem

Do we have too many moose?  too few? 

are hunters killing the correct number to ensure a healthy social and biological carrying capasity? 

A young moose in spring (c) And A Strong Cup of Coffee

These questions are asked every year around the time that hunters have to apply for a permit and when the drawing actually happens.  Maine’s moose are iconic and hunters have gone decades applying for a permit without being drawn.  I am currently on year 18 of not being drawn. But the allure of walking through the crisp, fall air and seeing that bull moose step out into a clearing, keeps people applying year after year after year. 

A proposal by Maine’s moose biologist, Lee Kanter is seeking to test a small population of moose to see if by lowering the population of moose, the winter tick problem will decrease.  On the surface it makes sense; less anaimals means less disease.  Something has to change if we want to keep the herd healthy and growing.  Winter ticks have been a huge concern for years and now may be a perfect time to see if something can be done to make a difference. 

Hopefully it will work! 


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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.