Hello All,
I am producing a show and interviewing John Ford and Paul J. Fournier about their time as Maine Guides/Wardens.
I want your questions… what do you want to know?
You have until July 20th to post them here! Then listen to Maine Calling to see if we ask it. I will post the link to the show when it gets closer.
What was the toughest part about being a guide?
Did you ever run across hunters you wanted to leave out in the wilderness?
obviously you love the outdoors, but was there any time you can recall where you wanted to be back at camp instead of out in the woods?
Thanks Ben! I will post the link to listen live/hear the podcast closer to our air date and you can see if we asked your question!
As a guide do you think it is best to concentrate your skills on a couple animals like deer and bear or learn and guide on as many animals as you can?
I don't thank that John was a guide rather a Maine Game Warden. Common for folks to confuse is Wardens are state law enforcement employees. Guides are independent business people. Very different focus but both have great outdoor stories and interactions with people.
Ask John how his golf game is…