Easy peasy

by Dec 5, 2012Uncategorized

Easy peasy

I am getting spoiled. Actually Dad and I both are. I am afraid to write this for what it might mean for next year, but I will; Dad and I have not had to follow a blood trail in a long time. Three years ago, Dad dropped this guy (below) on opening day.

Last year, I dropped this one:

and this year, I dropped him right at the base of the Sky Condo:

We are getting spoiled but really, I have a great teacher who has taught me where to shoot a deer for the quickest, least painful death. And it has worked out well.

This year, we spotted the buck coming to eat grass early in the day. He walked out from the upper right corner of this photo and headed down almost to where the camera is and then started to walk back and eat on the clump of brown grass when I shot him (you can see him laying there post gutting and see the brown grass just to the left).

It was a good shot because it dropped him but in my mind it was a bad shot because it was SO LOW! I shot him right in the heart. If you look at where you are supposed to hit them in the vitals and where I hit him, there is about a 3-4 inch difference. But, that is also why I love my 30-06 with the scope. The more advantages I can give myself the better!

The deer this year was a little crotch horn that weighed 112lbs. But getting him on the first Friday of the season took the pressure of us getting a deer as the season continued. We are lucky to now have steaks, stew meat and roasts for the winter! You can’t beat it! and you can’t beat hanging out with Dad in the Sky Condo during hunting season =)


  1. Congratulations Erin on a very nice harvest, my season was less than great but there is always next year.
    Come visit me at my new blog whitetailwoodsblog.blogspot.com

    • Rick! I am so happy to see you back here. I tried to link to your site for my one year of blogging post but you were MIA. Can't wait to see the new blog.

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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.