A frozen selfie

by Dec 18, 2014Adventures in the Woods, Women Who Hunt

A frozen selfie

You do “funny” things when you are a hunter. You willingly wake up at 4am.  You willingly spend hours tracking, sitting and walking and you willingly sit out in 0 degree weather waiting for an animal (coyote) in my case.  Some mornings, it is fun to document my questionable saneness and the last weekend of deer hunting season was one of those cases.  I never did get a coyote but night hunting for them starts this week!

Frozen Selfie

1 Comment

  1. You mentioned you were looking for a hunting dog. So far we have had a German Shorthair and a German Wirehair I would choose the wirehair any day of the week.

    Our short hair had the best nose by far, but wanted to run run run. He didn't acknowledge that we may also be interested in the hunt. My husband is a police officer and said that short hairs are often picked up after absconding from their yards. Friendly dogs, but they have to follow their nose. He was almost impossible to train, because following what his nose smelled was more important.

    Our Wirehair loves to hunt, but always stays close and wants us to be her hunting partners. When somebody drives up she immediately gets on the porch. She has never run off. She LOVES children (the short hair barely tolerated them) She may not have quite the nose, but she is full of love and was much easier to train.

    I would also choose a female over a male. If we ever get another dog it will be a German Wirehair. Hope that helps. Both were good hunting dogs, but the wirehair is a better team player. She is also a great jogging partner.

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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.