My goals for 2015

by Dec 15, 2014Hunting in Maine, Women Who Hunt

My goals for 2015

In 2015, I have a few goals that I am hoping to finally accomplish.

1. Get a turkey!  I came close last year, but I am hoping that the 3rd time is the charm.

2. Goose hunting.  I had plans last year that fell through so I am hoping to try that this year.

3. Catch a ‘keep-able‘ fish.

4. Go bear hunting again.  I will never beat this year’s hunt, but I can try.

5. Get that 8-pointer!

6. Go with biologists to a bear den.

7. Shoot a moose (this will be on my list each year until I do.)

8. Shoot a coyote.

9. Learn about trapping. I don’t know if I will actually do it, but I want to go and see how it’s done.

What else should I add to my list?

My too-small-to-keep salmon
Turkey hunting
My magnificent bear


  1. Shoot a partridge!

    • YUM!

  2. Learn tracking and sign reading skills 🙂

    • For which animals? I am decent at tracking and reading deer sign.

    • ok…Deer was what I was talking about..Lets add woods navigation

  3. Go to the "Bear's Den" at the Union at University of Maine and celebrate life in general.

  4. Congratulations on a great 2014! Sounds like a great list for 2015! Kudos on #9. A bit of a controversial subject, but if you go and experience it with a legitimate trapper I would bet most of the internal controversy goes away. I would be more than happy to help, but I am long ways away and it seems like you have some really good people in your network already!

    • Chris, when is a good time to go? I could make a trip to Northern ME work.

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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.