2018 recap

by Dec 31, 2018Whitetail Deer

2018 recap

No doubt that I have dropped the ball on posting my adventures here, but I have had a lot of fun happenings this year!  Here is my quick recap:

* Beaver trapping – with my uncle and friend Staci.

* Honored as Sportsman of the Year from the New England Outdoor Writers Association.

* Turkey hunting.

* The Maine Moose lottery held in my hometown and my friend Bryan performed.

* Mushroom foraging with Staci.

* Going to the ribbon cutting of the Ezra Smith Wildlife Conservation area to honor my friend George.

* Bear hunting with Staci and then going out with Bill Dereszewski and having Robin comes with us.

* Deer hunting with Dad and Hubs.

* Taking O out for his first sit in the new deer stand.

* Seeing lots and lots of wildlife including a fisher and bobcat, both of which I had never seen in the wild before.

* Started writing for Drury OutdoorsDeerCast app.

* Joined the board of the New England Outdoor Writers Association.

It has been busy but I am excited to find out what 2019 has in store!


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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.