The age of my 2021 Maine bull moose

by Jan 31, 2022Adventures in the Woods, Hunting in Maine, Maine Moose, Wildlife Conservation

The age of my 2021 Maine bull moose

One of the most interesting things that happens after you shoot a bear or moose, is that you are asked to remove a tooth so that the Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife can age the moose shot and collect age and health data. It is a part of a decades long effort to better understand the overall health of wildlife in Maine.  For hunters, it is always interesting to find out how old the animal was.  When I knew it was available, I immediately looked up the age of my 2021 Maine bull moose.

2021’s data shows moose shot between the ages of 2.5 years old to 20.5 years old. It is fascinating to think that there are moose in this state that are twenty years old.

Any guesses on how old our 2021 Maine bull moose was?  Remember, he had a 47 inch spread and was 986lbs dressed.  (Answer below)

My 2021 Maine bull mooseMy 2021 Maine bull moose at Allagash Adventures














According to his tooth, our bull moose aged 7.5 years old!


  1. Interesting!!

  2. Interesting way to determine age!

    • They actually slice the tooth like a tree and then count the rings!

  3. Ha! I wasn’t even close with my guess!

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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.