And A Strong Cup of Coffee

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Women Who Hunt
Enjoy these Women Who Hunt articles

My goals for 2015

In 2015, I have a few goals that I am hoping to finally accomplish. 1. Get a turkey!  I came close last year, but I am hoping that the 3rd time is the charm. 2. Goose hunting.  I had plans last year that fell through so I am hoping to try that this year. 3. Catch a 'keep-able' fish. 4. Go bear hunting again.  I will never beat this year's hunt, but I can try. 5. Get that 8-pointer! 6. Go with biologists to a bear den. 7. Shoot a moose (this will be on my list each year until I do.) 8. Shoot a coyote. 9. Learn about trapping. I don't know if I will actually do it, but I want to go and see how it's done. What else should I add to my list? My too-small-to-keep salmon Turkey hunting My magnificent...

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Why We Hunt: Belonging

For those of you who live out of State or have not picked up the November issue of Downeast Magazine, here is my article online.  I would love to hear what you think about it.  Thanks! Why We Hunt: Belonging

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Why I love being a hunter

* The meat! There is nothing better than butchering and eating meat from an animal that you killed * Sitting in the woods for hours with no technology The sun, the honking geese in the fields, the eff'n squirrels... and no office walls. * Watching wildlife in their natural habitat I love watching does and fawns playing when they have no idea that I am in the tree nearby. Only well-behaved squirrels can hang out with me in the tree though. * Spending time with my Dad =) * Breaking the stereotypes of what a hunter looks like Yes, those are 4 inch heels that I am wearing * Breaking the stereotypes of how a hunter acts Go bear hunting then listen to Alec Baldwin host the New York Philharmonic, yes please! * Meeting and connecting with...

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Sportswoman’s Alliance

Nov 2014 Downeast Magazine A few months ago, I was asked to write an article for Downeast Magazine about what it means to be a woman who hunts.  I was excited about the opportunity and eagerly sat down to write what I knew would be the widest seen piece of my career.  It took me a month to come up with the article, edit it and edit it again but it was submitted and I felt good about it. Then, I was asked to do a photo shoot for the article that would be me and a few friends in the city.  It was a perfect depiction of what hunters look like compared to the perception that non-hunters (and maybe a few hunters) view as a hunter. My friends Lorri, Jenn and Melissa agreed to be in the shoot with me.  Seeing the finished...

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A once in a lifetime Black Bear

I was glad that I had brought extra layers when we stepped into the 29 degree October air.  It was going to be a perfect hunting day with bright sun, cool temps and a great view that showed off Maine's fall foliage. Tim Cote of Cote & Sons Guide Service was taking me out on a guided bear hunt with his friends Al, Scott and Scott's two boys.  And Tim's six Walkers, pups Boy and Lady, Jill, Emma, Garth and Moose.  We headed for the Maine woods when it was still dark out and as the first light was breaking, we turned off the paved road and started to head deeper into the woods on some old dirt roads.  Tim let the dogs out to stretch and run around the truck as we slowly drove down the road. I was taking in the view and talking to Tim...

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Black Bear Hunt in Maine

Why Judy Camuso is good for Maine’s wildlife

After being in the audience of thetownhall debate on changing the way the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (IFW) manages our bear populations, I was determined to interview Judy Camuso.  It was Judy's knowledge, passion and drive that came through during the debate that had me and supporters in the crowd, fired up about our work helping to educate and encourage more people to Vote NO on 1. I sat down with Judy to talk about her career, Maine's wildlife and of course, bears. Photo courtesy of J. Camuso from a Portland Press Herald article What made you want to get involved in wildlife? I grew up outside.  My mom had six kids and we were always outside.  I loved animals from the time I was young. I went to...

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And then there were three

There is nothing better on a nice fall day then walking through the woods with Dad and checking the trail cam pictures.  We headed out to check the camera by the Sky Condo and the camera by my tree seat.  That big buck has been hanging around the Sky Condo but if it's the same deer as last year, he made a few trips past my seat and into the bog. After doing some logging on the property, Dad has decided that we will move my tree seat and build another permanent stand.  The plan right now is to move closer to the bog and off to the left of where I sit currently.  This will allow me to sit close to the bog and thickets and if it rains, I can still be around any deer that decide to move.  I am naming my new stand...

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Maine Points Interview

In case you missed it, here is the Podcast from Maine Points with my friend Mike Violette about hunting in Maine! Erin's discussion on hunting in Maine Enjoy and happy hunting! The first time I shot my 30-06 in 2007

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Social Media impact on Hunting

Social media has added a new element to the world of hunting. There are great resources for hunting out there but until the boom of social media, they were limited.  Now, you can watch live video feed of deer feeders in Iowa to see what is coming in.  I have recently found maybe one of my favorite resources for hunting…podcasts! You can listen to hunters talk about African hunting, antler growth and how to cut shooting lanes... the possibilities are really endless.  Up until a few months ago, the word ‘podcast’ was something that I assumed as like a radio show but online (and it is).  I didn’t go looking for them or know how to get them.  And now, as I write this, I can not think of what it was that made me get...

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