When George Smith died three years ago, I lost one of my biggest cheerleaders. He was always trying to figure out how I could advance my outdoor writing career. He connected me with the editor at Downeast Magazine when they produced an issue all about hunting. My article was featured on the cover, and I was the center article. George published his book, "Maine Sporting Camps," one year before he was diagnosed. He asked me to write a chapter so that I could say that I was a published author. He was forever promoting me and encouraging me. When George died, the voice of the Maine's outdoors became quieter. Until now. It is with some emotion and excitement that I announce the launch of Hunt & Harvest. My monthly column will appear...
Good enough to host Major League Fishing’s Summit Cup twice in the past five years. “The fishing was just phenomenal. Outside of Florida or Minnesota, the sheer amount and access to water is incredible.” said Mike “Ike” Iaconelli,who finished 3rd the last time that the Summit Cup was held in Central Maine. In his fishing career, Mike is the only angler to have won the Bassmaster Classic, Bassmaster Angler of the Year and B.A.S.S. Nation Championship. “We fish all over the U.S and for me, I fish all over the world and the quality of fish in Maine is incredible. It almost seems like the fish have never been caught before. The number of fish and lack of fishing pressure helps to highlight that this is amazing world-class fishing”...
I have no idea what Staci said after the words "water snake" came out of her mouth. I went into panic mode wondering if I was going to snag one with my fishing pole or if every bubble that came up from under the canoe was a snake below us. But, the plan was to catch bass and we climbed into the canoe and paddled off to do just that. We started off with frog lures and within the first two casts, I had a bump on my line but nothing hooked. After a few more casts, Staci was landing bass on a regular basis. One of about 15 bass that Staci caught She was out fishing me almost 10 to one and I knew that I needed to hook something. I cast into the shallows under one of the fallen down trees and boom! had a bite. The fish hit and...
When I woke up, I had gotten two and a half hours of sleep in the past 24 hours. With the time change, I knew that I had to trick my mind into thinking that it was like any other morning and that with copious amounts of coffee, I would be able to function. I had to; I was going fishing! It was just me and the guys, heading to the Russian river to try our hand at salmon fishing. Some had fished before and knew the Alaskan river well. Some of us planned to just do what we were told. We loaded up the waders, some lunch and fishing poles and drove two hours south. It was a beautiful day! Warm but not too hot and no bugs. We were using regular fishing poles with a hook but instead of a fancy lure or a...
We need choppy water Steve told me when we had first started fishing together last year. The breeze off of the lake wasnt as bad as we had thought but it was enough to get a little chop going and keep the temperatures cool. We were the only ones at the boat landing that morning. I was ready to redeem myself after last year's trip resulted in a salmon throwing the hook and swimming away. We set up the three streamer lines and headed to the honeyhole to see if we could get a bite. We didn't spend too much time trolling before Steve yelled, "fish on!' and I jumped up to grab the rod and started reeling the line in, making sure to keep the line tight and the tip up. The water was cold but I was surprised by the lack of...
The above average temps and lack of snow this winter had resulted in the fishing season kicking off two weeks ahead of schedule so Robinand I scoped out the stream the day before we were set to go fishing to see how high the water was and how many fellow fishermen were there. We went back to her house where Taylor joined us and got our fly rods ready with leaders and new flies. The next morning, the three of us ate a delicious breakfast (duck eggs and bear sausage!) and headed to the stream. Our second year being in the stream on April 1. I looked like I knew what I was doing which was a vast improvement from last year. It was also 30 degrees warmer that it had been so the extra layers were not needed. We had an...
As I was reeling in the first bass that I would keep, Don started the GoPro to document the actual catch. Hmm... I may need to get one of those! Come here please. Gotcha! Bringing him into the boat YUM A big thanks to Don at Maine Outdoors for sending these...
A couple of weeks ago, I was lucky enough to catch Don Kleiner of Maine Outdoors with some free time on his hands and convinced him to take me fishing. We could not have picked a more perfect day to be away from the world and on the water. We set off to catch Smallmouth Bass. Having caught my first fish with Robin, I was hopeful that I could at least catch something besides grass. Don was brave enough to attempt to teach me how to fish a few years ago and I hoped, as I stepped into the boat, that I had improved my skills a little bit since then. Our first spot was a fairly shallow spot near some overhanging trees. Don taught me that fish do not have eyelids so when it is sunny out, they usually hid in the shade...
My friend Staci is a fisherwoman. She had the gear, knows her stuff and has years of experience. Somehow, someway, I convinced her to take me fishing. We were watching the water height and strength online and it looked promising so that is where we headed. An hour later we arrived to this: the water had been released from the dam above and was raging. I snapped a couple of pictures and we headed to a different spot to try out luck. Staci said this was a little high compared to what it was a few days before when she was there with her husband but it seemed doable and we wanted to be able to cast a few times just to say that we did it. I had received two pairs of waders from a retiring coworker so I...