Why I love being a hunter

by Oct 30, 2014Women Who Hunt

Why I love being a hunter

* The meat! There is nothing better than butchering and eating meat from an animal that you killed

* Sitting in the woods for hours with no technology The sun, the honking geese in the fields, the eff’n squirrels… and no office walls.

* Watching wildlife in their natural habitat I love watching does and fawns playing when they have no idea that I am in the tree nearby. Only well-behaved squirrels can hang out with me in the tree though.

* Spending time with my Dad =)

* Breaking the stereotypes of what a hunter looks like Yes, those are 4 inch heels that I am wearing

* Breaking the stereotypes of how a hunter acts Go bear hunting then listen to Alec Baldwin host the New York Philharmonic, yes please!

* Meeting and connecting with other great hunters There are a lot of awesome people in Maine and around the US who are passionate about hunting and are sharing their experiences.

* The meat! Worth being mentioned twice!  On a cold snowy day having a nice bear or deer roast in the crockpot is heaven… yum!


  1. Great post Erin, could not had said it better except I don't wear 4" heels. LOL

  2. Well said! Four inch heels would put me in a body cast. I'll go with middle (middle plus…) aged blond sitting on the ground as she shoots her bear. As much as the eff'n squirrels annoy me I'll take them over the cell phone noise and traffic any day. And yes, the meat. I'm especially grateful for bear meat this year.

  3. well said! i like the "breaking the stereotypes" comment. People who know me well aren't surprised, but those who only know me a little are often surprised at how well I can hold my own in a literary conversation and how well read I am, and yeah, I dig classical music, it is right after the bluegrass on my iPod. Its like people find out you hunt and expect you to be the living punchline of a Jeff Foxworthy joke.

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Meet The Author

Erin Merrill, author of And a Strong Cup of Coffee, is president of Women of the Maine Outdoors, a senior writer for Drury Outdoors, a contributor to the Northwoods Sporting Journal and passionate all things Maine, Hunting, and the Outdoors.